(Draft) the nature of the functions of the organization Office of Research Standards in Humans (January)
Vision Jan.

It is an agency that promotes and supports the Human Research Ethics Committee to have standards. national and international


1) Maintain the standards of research in humans according to international standards.
2) Promote and drive research in humans in accordance with international standards.
3) Supervise, examine and certify standards of the Human Research Ethics Committee.
4) Coordinate with organizations and agencies. related both domestically and internationally in terms of development, standardization, implementation and supervision of human research standards


Adhere to the principle of responsibility for coordinating harmonious work in all departments involved in human research with a sense of responsibility using unity. and working together as a network for the country’s academic progress as well as to promote researchers to have works that are recognized by many countries

H= Harmonization Integration coordination U = Unity unity and cooperation with all parties M = Multicenter Institutional diversity A = Accountability Have a sense of responsibility N= Networking Working together as a network

Authority and Duties of the Research Standards Division (Km.or.)

The Research Standards Division (KMO) has missions according to NRCT with the following powers and duties:
2) inspect and certify research units; and operations related to research according to national research standards;
3) coordinate with international organizations and foreign organizations relating to research standards to determine national research standards in accordance with international standards
; with or supporting the operations of other agencies involved or assigned

The structure of the Office for Human Research Standards (January)

The Office of Research Standards in Persons (Mor.Kor.) has a structure of internal government divisions comprising 3 departments as follows:
1) Department for Supervision and Certification of Research Standards in Persons
2) Department for Developing Research Standards in Persons
3) Department for Promoting Research Standards in Persons person

Administrative structure of the Human Research Standards Office (January)

The Human Research Standards Agency (NIDA) has a structure of personnel as follows:

Figure 3: The structure of government agencies within the Human Research Standards Office (MCC),
authority and duties of the Human Research Standards Office (MCC)
(1) survey, study and academic analysis to provide basic information to the committee. and to prepare plans, projects and measures for submission to the Committee for Human Research Development;
(2) to promote and support the provision of training on human research standards and ethics;
(3) to develop and promote the conduct of human research; for relevant agencies,
all sectors and the general public to understand and participate in the development and promotion of human research;
(4) to establish a database; Disseminate information about the policy and action plans on human research standards
(5) to coordinate, cooperate and to provide advice to domestic and foreign organizations or agencies in matters relating to the development of human research standards;

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