Website Policy

1. Objectives The
website of the National Research Council of Thailand has been prepared to disseminate information. News and services related to the National Research Council of Thailand The user’s use of the website service is subject to the following terms and conditions. Therefore, users should study the conditions. and terms of use of the website and/or conditions and any other agreements that the National Research Council of Thailand has notified on the website in detail prior to accessing the service However, in using the service, it is deemed that the service user agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of the service set forth herein. If the user does not wish to be bound by the terms and conditions of service Please stop visiting and using this website immediately.

2. Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website
2.1 Users may obtain, access, create, transmit or display information such as data files, written messages, or other information. Computer software, music, audio or other audio files, photos, videos, or other images. as part of the Service or through the use of the Service. hereinafter referred to as “content”
2.2 Content presented to users may be protected by the intellectual property rights of the content owners. The user has no right to make changes. Sell, distribute, transfer or create derivative works based on such content whether in whole or in part. Unless the user has express permission from the content owner.
2.3 The user may find inappropriate or vulgar content that causes dissatisfaction. under their own risk
2.4 National Research Council of Thailand Holds the right to screen, review, mark, change, edit, reject or remove any content. inappropriate out of service The National Research Council of Thailand may provide tools for explicit content screening. without contrary to the law relevant government regulations
2.5 Office of the National Research Council of Thailand Service may be temporarily or permanently discontinued. or cancel the service to any specific user If such service affects other users. or contrary to the law without prior notice to the user.
2.6 cessation or termination of the service under Clause 2.5, the user will not be able to access the service. and access the user’s account details any document file or other content in the user’s account
2.7 In the event that the National Research Council of Thailand Permanently discontinued or cancel the service to the user The National Research Council of Thailand has the right to delete any information. in the user’s account without prior notice to the user

3. Rights, duties and responsibilities of the service user
3.1 The service user will provide information about himself/herself such as identity or contact details that is accurate, true and always up-to-date. to the National Research Council of Thailand as part of the service registration process or continued use of the service.
3.2 The user will use the service of this website. For the purposes permitted by the requirements of the National Research Council of Thailand and is not contrary to the law, rules, regulations, regulations, and generally accepted practices
. including the use of automated methods (using scripts) in addition to the channels at the National Research Council provided Unless the service user is authorized by the National Research Council of Thailand. expressly able to do so
3.4 The user will not act or participate in any disruption or disturbance of the service of the National Research Council of Thailand. including servers and networks connected to the Service.
3.5 The Subscriber may not copy, copy, reproduce, sell, trade or re-sell the Services for any purpose. Unless the service user is authorized by the National Research Council of Thailand.
3.6 The User is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the password associated with any Account . used to access the Service.
3.7 The user is solely responsible to any person. including the Office of the National Research Council in damages resulting from violation of the Terms

4. Links to other websites
4.1 Links to other websites are provided for the convenience of users only. The National Research Council of Thailand is not affiliated with or has the authority to control, certify the accuracy, credibility. as well as responsibility for the content of the information of that website and the National Research Council Not responsible for any content displayed on other websites linked to the National Research Council’s website. or for any damages incurred by visiting such websites linking to the website of the National Research Council of Thailand
4.2 If you want to link to the website of the National Research Council of Thailand Users can link to the homepage of the National Research Council of Thailand website. by requesting in writing However, in order to link to the internal pages of this website, the written consent of the National Research Council of Thailand is required only. and in giving such consent The National Research Council of Thailand reserves the right to impose any conditions upon any other website linked to the National Research Council of Thailand website. is not responsible for any content displayed on the website linked to the National Research Council of Thailand website. or for any damages arising from the use of those websites.

1 National Research Council of Thailand shall not be liable for any damages, including damages, losses and expenses incurred whether directly or indirectly. as a result of or in connection with the user’s access to this website or websites linked to this website or to damage Losses or expenses arising from failure to operate, errors, omissions, interruptions, defects, incompleteness computer virus Although the National Research Council of Thailand has been informed that such damages, losses or expenses may arise. In addition, the National Research Council of Thailand is not liable to users of the Website or any person from any claims arising out of the Website or any Content, including any decision or action arising out of reliance on the Content. such website users or in any damage, whether direct or indirect damage, including any other damage that may occur, the user accepts and realizes that

6. Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights
6.1 National Research Council of Thailand or the licensor of the National Research Council of Thailand is the sole legal right of all ownership, interests including any intellectual property rights contained in the Service which the National Research Council of Thailand or its licensors It was created by the National Research Council of Thailand. Whether those rights are registered or not.
6.2 Users must not disclose information required by the National Research Council of Thailand to be confidential. Without the prior written consent of the National Research Council of Thailand
6.3 Users must not use trade names. trademark Service mark, logo, domain name of the National Research Council of Thailand without the written consent of the National Research Council of Thailand

7. Governing law
7.1 The interpretation and enforcement of these Terms of Service shall be in accordance with Thai law.

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