research quality improvement Research standards, research systems, and continuous systematic monitoring and evaluation based on strategic issues are one of the main tasks under the authority of the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) and are the responsibility of the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). Research (Kor.M.) by the Office of Human Research Standards (Mor.Kor.) operates in relation to human research standards. The structure and powers and duties of NRCT, KMUTNB, and KU according to the Ministerial Regulation on the division of government agencies, the Office of the National Research Council of Thailand, B.E. 2556 (2013) are as follows:
The Research Standards Division (KMO) has an internal government division structure consisting of 4 divisions and 1 office/institution, namely
1) Research Standard Development Department
2) Department for Promotion and Driving Research Standards (Sor.Sor.)
3) Research Standards Supervision and Certification Department (Km.)
4) General Administration Department (Chapter)
5) Office of Human Research Standards (JAC)
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