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Currently in Thailand human investigator using drug or treatment of disease There is also a violation of laws and regulations because there are no specific laws regarding human research. Including no agency to promote Support for human research
The National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) has seen the importance of conducting research in humans. Therefore, the project “Human Research Standards” aims to develop and supervise standards for research in humans. and to develop a quality assurance system for the Human Research Ethics Committee. It is also a commitment to develop Thailand as a world-leading center for clinical research and human research. Based on international standards, NRCT, in collaboration with the Human Research Ethics Club in Thailand (FERCIT), the Human Research Ethics Committee. To promote and develop the country’s human research standards in line with international standards. The importance and meaning of the work Office of the National Research Council It is an organization with a mission to support Promote research in all fields in Thailand in accordance with the national development strategy according to the National Economic and Social Development Plan. in line with national research policies and strategies as well as in accordance with the subject groups that should be urgently researched according to the national research policy and strategy, such as research on Thai traditional medicine; folk medicine alternative medicine and herbs for medical and public health benefits, etc. Quality research must consist of researchers who adhere to standardized guidelines. Human-related research in all fields of humanities, social sciences and science. Must comply with international research ethics. The rights, dignity and well-being of the subjects participating in the research are protected. in order to obtain reliable research results. internationally recognized Currently, Thailand has high potential for clinical trials, improving the quality of clinical trials in accordance with international standards on Good Clinical Practice (GCP), which places great emphasis on the protection of rights, dignity, safety and The well-being of subjects and patients participating in clinical trials according to the international ethical principles in the Helsinki Declaration. and provide reliable research results Although there is currently no law applicable to conducting human research. But there are rules such as the Medical Council Regulations on Ethical Treatment of the Medical Profession. Mention practitioners who conduct research studies and human trials. Must be approved by the relevant research ethics committee only. and academic journals especially medical journals There are requirements to receive published research papers. The results must be endorsed by the Research Ethics Committee before conducting research. Since 2000, capacity building has been continually strengthened in clinical research in Thailand. The Human Research Ethics Club in Thailand is one of the stakeholders involved in clinical research. To be a center for collaboration between various institutions and to coordinate with international organizations such as FERCAP (Forum for Ethical Review Committee in Asia-Pacific) and to take action to increase competitiveness with other countries in Asia by doing agreement Collaborate between 31 institutions in Thailand under the supervision of Foundation for Research Education on People in Thailand since 2008. The research is good and effective. It must start with having a quality institutional research ethics committee. knowledgeable who will serve to protect Protect the rights, welfare, safety and well-being of research participants or subjects entering research projects. The role of the research ethics committee at an institution is therefore an important part in helping to develop the research of that institution. to provide quality and safety to the volunteers and benefits to society Therefore, it is necessary to have a system of promotion and development. This includes supervising and certifying the work of the institutional research ethics committee to assure institutions, researchers, volunteers and communities that the review process complies with standards. Such a mechanism can be achieved through the cooperation of national research policy makers. Research funders and institutions conducting research which the National Research Council as a promoter, support, development and supervision, as well as a national research funder Therefore, it has played an important role in human research projects since before conducting research. during the research and after the completion of research to create a quality assurance system Although Thailand currently does not have a human research law, it is a specific law that requires a human research ethics committee. But there are research ethics committees in more than 200 institutions in Thailand. Because there are relevant laws, regulations, and international guidelines. country guidelines Research Sponsor’s Guidelines and Institutional Guidelines Pushing all institutions that have research related to human beings It is necessary to build personnel to be knowledgeable, competent, efficient and effective. Relevant to Functions – Human Research Rules and to appoint an institutional research ethics committee The performance of the research ethics committee must be quality and transparent. They are also willing to have the quality assurance system of the research ethics committee of the institution. to provide research on people or involve humans Comply with international research ethics. The rights, dignity and well-being of the subjects participating in the research are protected. in order to obtain reliable research results that are accepted in the international system board office
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