Human Research Ethics Committee Assessment
Human Research Ethics Committee Assessment Human Research Ethics Committee, King Prajadhipok Hospital Chanthaburi Province
Human Research Ethics Committee Assessment
Human Research Ethics Committee, King Prajadhipok Hospital Chanthaburi Province
On August 30 – September 1, 2020, Office of Human Research Standards (JAC) by the National Ethics Committee Accreditation System (NECAST) Accreditation, together with the Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity for Ethical Review (SIDCER) and Forum for Ethical Review Committee in Asia-Pacific (FERCAP) conducted an assessment of the Human Research Ethics Committee at King Prajadhipok’s Hospital. Chanthaburi Province The objective is to assess, promote, exchange knowledge. and advise the Institutional Human Research Ethics Committee to consider the research protocol in accordance with the ethical principles and international human research standards. This was honored by the Inspectorate. (Prof. Emeritus, M.D. Chantra Laothavorn (Survey Coodinator) Mr. Arthur Navorro (Lead Surveyor) Prof. Emeritus, M.D. Thada Sueblinwong, Dr. Suthat Chotanaphan, Asst. Prof. Dr.